The Safety Institute of Australia (SIA) is a membership based professional organisation, representing those people who work or are interested in health and safety.
The elected Board (made up of members) direct the activities of the SIA on behalf of all members. One of the challenges the SIA and the health and safety profession face is better engaging their members, and those significant numbers of professionals who choose not to be members.
This year’s election see’s 13 nominees for 3 seats, so if you are a member, you need to vote to have a say. If you are a safety professional but not a member, listen in to hear how the SIA is sprinting into the future, refreshed and recharged (and you might see the value in becoming a member).
Here at Safety on Tap we wanted to bring the nominees to you through short punchy interviews, so you can get to know them better than by reading a lengthy cliche-filled bio document (which is available on the SIA site).
This is not an SIA sponsored activity – I have full control and independence over what we discuss (and the nominee’s interviews are not edited!). I’m doing this as a member, simply because I believe the SIA is heading in the right direction.
So we’ve offered all nominees an interview, a chance to engage directly with you. We’ll release these over the coming weeks leading up to the voting closing. Listen to some or all of the interviews, then vote – it’s up to you.
All the details on how to vote are here, so check them out.
The future is exciting as a profession, so let’s have a say and shape our own future.
Host of the Safety on Tap Podcast
PS. You’ll be the first to get the first election interviews, on Wednesday 10th Aug. In the mean time you can listen to previous episodes to get your fix of growth-fuelling content! Even easier to subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher.