We start 2017 with a two-part interview with Rosa Antonia Carrillo, from Carrillo and Associates in California.  Rosa has spent decades looking at more effective health and safety approaches in business, and this has percolated into what we discuss in this interview – the 8 Beliefs of Relationship Centered Safety.  Rosa had so much value to share that I’ve split this interview up into two parts, 4 beliefs this week, 4 next week, just so you have time to digest it all.

The beliefs we covered in this episode are:

Inclusion precedes accountability

Communication can only take place inside relationships and trust

Innovation, resilience, inclusion and accountability are interdependent

People are able and willing to contribute to the success of the enterprise

Check out Part 2 of this interview here.


I mentioned during this episode that I’ve adopted a single word, a kind of motto for this year.  Check out the debut of Safety on Tap TV to watch me explain my word in more detail, and check out my friend and previous guest Tim Allred’s article about his word for 2017.


Let’s get to know each other! Connect with Safety on Tap on LinkedIn, or me Andrew Barrett.  If Facebook is more your thing, check out @safetyontap

If you want to get in touch with me, send me an email…I actually reply personally! andrew@safetyontap.com


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