Today I’ve got something a little different for you. This episode is based on an article [I wrote for the NZ Safeguard Magazine in early 2017, called from Teflon to Coach. As you listen, I want you to focus on what the explicit takeaways are, as well as the implicit lessons in the way I’ve created this piece. Make sure you download the article and refer back to in your reflection, or better yet grab it first and have it with you whilst listening.
This episode is brought to you by Safety on Tap Connected, the worlds only growth accelerator for health and safety professionals. One of the biggest levers for accelerated growth is through coaching. High performance in many fields, including sports teams and individuals, executives, performing artists and more all have coaches. Because a coach propels them forward, a coach holds them accountable, a coach isn’t encumbered by all the day to day stuff that clouds our life and time and heads. A coach helps you accelerate your growth. I coach members of Safety on Tap Connected because it works. And that’s merely one of the benefits you get when you become a member of Safety on Tap Connected. Find out more at
There were a number of reflections and takeaways which formed the structure of this episode. There were in fact 8 of them. To recap, they were Busy Vs Effective, Know, Like & Trust, Change the Metaphor, Be Accountable, Be Part of the Team, Prepare your Team, Work with the Captain, and Stay Off the Field.
Given that 8 takeaways are a lot more than my usual 2 or 3, I’m conscious of overwhelm. Remember to [grab the original article from here][article link].
If you like the idea of coaching, having a coach yourself, or becoming more coachlike, you should check out Episode 82 called Who is Coachable. As a leader, if you got value out of this episode, you might want to share it with a teammate, a direct report, a former colleague or friend. The best way to do that is with the link,
Thank you so much for listening.
Until next time, what’s the one thing you’ll do to take positive, effective or rewarding action, to grow yourself, and drastically improve health and safety along the way? Seeya!
[Grab your reflection template to use with this episode!]