Ep48: Industry 4.0 & the future of work is here, now.
Innes Willox is my guest today. Innes is the CEO of Australian Industry Group, the largest cross-industry peak body in Australia. AI Group represents the interests of business to government, as an advocate and delivering services to their 60000 business members employing more than 1million staff Australia wide.
This episode is brought to you by the Safety Institute of Australia’s 2017 Victorian Conference called Safety STEPS, Strategies Towards Efficient Productive Systems. Innes is one of the keynote speakers this year, sharing his insights about the future of work, alongside a great lineup of speakers. You can find out more about that conference and grab a ticket at www.sia.org.au, I hope to see you there!
Here’s Innes:
If you want info about the Net Promotor Score idea I mentioned in my take-aways, send me an email andrew@safetyontap.com
Great questioning Andrew…
Key takeaways:
1) The pace of change has increased to a rapid pace ( ahah! I wrote this before I heard your key summary points Andrew… touché!)
2) Both Regulators and Business need to continually adapt and to the changing risk profile.
3) Business succeeds by taking risks: business needs to balance its outcomes with risk management.
4) Keeping yourself informed is important.
The discussion was bookended with some interesting insights however something that pricked up my ears was Innes’ comments on training and avoidance of being on the front page of the news… not sure how helpful talking about avoiding negative press is in this space? A bit of old-school creeping in there perhaps?
Personal views:
1) Rapid prototyping is a method that can be used to identify and better manage risks while innovating.
2) We need to be smarter about how we pre-empt future risk management
and 3) For me… the absence of injuries is only one element of the end-game; there are so many other dimensions to improving the world of work. I am an advocate for improving work experience rather than a binary view of injury Vs. no injury.
In relation to Andrew’s summary:
1) Agreed! Rapid pace of change.
2) I hope that I’m not seen as one and the same as the Regulator… a balanced view perhaps!
3) Agreed! Collaborate to future-proof yourself… wise words.
Hat tips Andrew and Innes
Thanks Cam
I think that a lot of what Innes said makes sense, and probably isn’t surprising. The hard bit is adapting as you say.
I was also suprised by Innes comments about the negative press – but this man is the voice of industry, so like it or not it’s a perspective we need to have empathy for.
Thanks for your personal reflections, what a great way to help yourself and help others by sharing
Thanks for pointing out empathy as it is a key skill/attribute that is so important in this era of rapid change – it is also essential for successful collaboration.