We had a cracking review on iTunes recently, 5 stars no less, from Naomi. Her subject line was “Hungry, starting? I ate the whole cake!”
“The messy concept of risk appetite is just that…an Eton Mess! Well with this episode (ep30), I ate the whole cake and can I have some more sir? Susy was a great guest speaker and it was so good to have her talking about a subject that is climacteric for health and safety and other risks in an organisation. Risk appetite is an area I work closely with so it was so good to have a podcast episode that is so relevant to me! Thanks Andrew & Susy
So you’ve already heard that Mark Stipic is joining us today. He overturns a few rocks which I feel we might ignore sometimes in health and safety, and shares some seriously shocking evidence which points at a massive elephant in the room. Like most things growth-fuelling, you might not be comfortable hearing this, but you’ll definitely have plenty to take away. Here we go!
Mark mentioned he’ll give away his e-book ‘5 things you need to know about RTW’ with heaps of the examples and sources he mentioned, this is not your run of the mill resource. Head over to markstipic.com.au/safetyontap for that little gem
And while you are browsing, you should sign up to be the first to find out about safety on tap connected, the worlds first growth accelerator designed just for you. safetyontap.com/connected is where to do that.
Let’s get to know each other! Connect with Safety on Tap on LinkedIn, or me Andrew Barrett. If Facebook is more your thing, check out @safetyontap
If you want to get in touch with me, send me an email…I actually reply personally! andrew@safetyontap.com