There’s few people more qualified to talk about the written word and it’s role in health and safety, and that’s my guest today Kevin Jones from  On the other hand, I brought along a pretty biased view of the written word, which becomes pretty obvious when I turn a debate into a courtroom prosecution of the written word.


It’s an interesting listen, and should get us all thinking about that well-worn communication tool, which so often is not the right tool for the job.


So that’s two metaphors (a courtroom trial, and tools) in the space of two paragraphs.  I think I’ll stop typing now!


One last thing, I mentioned during the introduction a bit of background on ‘Robens-style legislation, as context for Kevin’s comments, which will help our overseas listeners understand what he is talking about.  If you want to learn more, I found this paper quite helpful


Let’s get to know each other! Connect with Safety on Tap on LinkedIn, or me Andrew Barrett.  If Facebook is more your thing, check out @safetyontap

If you want to get in touch with me, send me an email…I actually reply personally!

Here’s Kevin and I with our barrister’s wigs on (it was his idea!)

baz-wig  kevin-wig