What do Dr David Borys and Animal, from the muppets, have in common?


Listen in as Dr David Borys, from RMIT University (amongst a few other places!) fill us in on the talk he is giving for the 2016 Wigglesworth Memorial Lecture, entitled Two windows to clarify the enigma that is health & safety PLUS a sneak peek at the ‘intelligent risk management’ workshop he is also running during the Convention.


In this chat, we cover:

– The connection with David and Animal the muppet (no, I’m not calling him a muppet…!)

– A contrasting perspective on health and safety 40 years ago, and David’s view today

– David’s take on what we know, whether all that knowledge has actually helped improve health and safety, and why

– How David took on James Reason and left him without a good response

– Some simple and free ideas for us to try and improve health and safety (you won’t be disappointed!)


Whether you are getting along to the 2016 National Safety Convention or not, you’ll enjoy this chat with David.  Enjoy!

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